Families are complicated, and this is a universal fact. But as we know, not all families are the same, and some are more complex than others.
We all live in our own little world of pressure cookers, where the whistle goes off every now and then in the form of outbursts of anger or panic attacks. With thousands of triggers and stimulants around us,
Kids refuse to go to school, and this is no news. Which kid likes to go to school anyway, right? But sometimes, things might not be as obvious as they seem,
The changes we underwent as a civilization in the past few decades are more drastic and dramatic than anyone has ever seen. There has been a sudden sprout of technological growth and changes in lifestyle,
We are all familiar with the classic fight or flight mode etched into our DNA through years of evolution. But sometimes, this basic instinct to fight or flee takes a step further and gets out of hand, leading to panic attacks.
Perfectionism may sound cool, but it is actually sucking all the fun out of your life. If people have often called you a perfectionist, it is high time you put your life under a microscope and evaluate what that means.
No matter what kind of relationship you are in, the ability to draw a line and give some space for yourself is extremely important for the relationship to survive.
What we repeat becomes our habit, and our habits make us. It is imperative to pay attention to the patterns we fall into because they have the power to shape our lives.
We live in a world filled with anxious people. Almost everyone is anxious about one thing or the other. But just because it is common doesn't mean that we have to leave it at that.
Whenever things start to look a bit bleak, there is somehow always a light at the end of the tunnel. When it comes to the world of mental health, this light is known as positive psychology.