Communication is one aspect that affects an individual personally and professionally, and communication disorders prevail among most. In fact, statistics say that approximately 10% of children and 8% of adults experience communication disorders.
Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapy represent two special avenues to getting insight into the deep unconscious roots of our emotions. Exploration of the unconscious mind and how it leads to influencing behaviours
Narrative therapy is one of the transformed approaches towards mental health therapy and empowers individuals to reshape their identity and experience through the stories that they create about themselves.
Such a huge challenge is being addicted that people start living isolated lives, leaving someone without power in life. The rehabilitation path requires great strength and confidence, as recovery from drugs does not need strong-willed persons but, more often, the heart to deal with life without these addictions.
Group dynamics, put simply, is a branch of study concerning the behaviours and ways people react as a group toward behaviour modification, decision-making, or performance in groups. All these are significant within numerous contexts, including workplace organisations,
CAT is a unique, in-depth form of therapy because it enables people to become lost and found. Its discovery was in the UK while combining cognitive and psychodynamic traditions to help an individual realise and change unresourceful patterns of thoughts or behaviours.
Adult ADHD-Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a condition affecting many aspects of the life of adults, like professional and personal relationships, along with one's general well-being. ADHD can be ascribed to children and a child,
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition, with inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity being key characteristics. Yet, in discussing ADHD, it seems not to be emphasised often how this disorder impacts one's emotional regulation.
This child sits in a room full of people: family. Silent and withdrawn, she feels invisible. Yet, far from a rare case, it is estimated that 1 in 7 suffer from emotional neglect. That is how the world came to experience its long-term consequences.
One of the most prevalent yet dangerous mental health disorders is depression which affects millions of people around the world, often presenting with a persistent feeling of sadness and a loss of interest in activities that were once pleasurable.