Communication is one aspect that affects an individual personally and professionally, and communication disorders prevail among most. In fact, statistics say that approximately 10% of children and 8% of adults experience communication disorders.
Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapy represent two special avenues to getting insight into the deep unconscious roots of our emotions. Exploration of the unconscious mind and how it leads to influencing behaviours
Such a huge challenge is being addicted that people start living isolated lives, leaving someone without power in life. The rehabilitation path requires great strength and confidence, as recovery from drugs does not need strong-willed persons but, more often, the heart to deal with life without these addictions.
Group dynamics, put simply, is a branch of study concerning the behaviours and ways people react as a group toward behaviour modification, decision-making, or performance in groups. All these are significant within numerous contexts, including workplace organisations,
Mental health issues have picked up a lot of ground in awareness and acceptance over the past few years within the UAE, changing the perception of mental well-being for people. The realisation that mental health is as significant as physical health has prompted more people
Money is much more than just a tool for financial matters- it's part and parcel of our psyche. Our beliefs, emotions, and past experiences shape our attitudes toward money and spending; they shape our daily affairs about it. Money is associated with security and freedom for most people, but for others,
It has become crucial for everyone living in big cities like Dubai, amidst a fast world, to have more mental health care. Most probably, all this pressure on the mind causes stress and anxiety or sometimes other kind of psychological issues. To combat all such issues in minds, it is extremely essential to work with people.
The public is becoming far more aware of mental health in Dubai because of its growing importance and need for proper well-being. With a decrease in stigma, people are consulting for their mental health disorders more often.
KIP is a unique treatment that taps into the recovery potential of the mind via guided imagery. It enables the use of this imagination therapy to guide patients to visualisations that reveal subconscious emotions, making it easier for them to work with those deep-seated issues as well as foster emotional strength.
Money is not all about figures and accounts, but it strikes at the very roots of our emotions, self-confidence, and decision-making. Often, our attitude toward money is dictated by factors such as childhood experiences, societal pressures, and even personal insecurities. At Zivanza Wellness,