The amount of energy, time, and money an organization puts into its hiring process is insane. But what if, after all the hard work, you hire an employee that doesn't fit your organization well? Now that's a nightmare.
We have seen tons of movies where a psychologist holds up a piece of paper with symmetrical inkblot images and analyzes the person sitting opposite them.
All of us criticize ourselves every now and then. It is good, as long as you do not overindulge yourself in criticism. But when it becomes too much, self-criticism can be troublesome.
Social media has devoured our lives in more than one way. Almost everyone has an online presence, and it is sort of an unsaid rule that is a prerequisite to fitting into this digital world that we live in.
We live in a constantly overstimulated world where attention deficiency is an increasing concern. Amidst that, people with ADHD struggle to lead a proper life.
Childhood is supposed to be a happy and wonderful time for kids. But unfortunately, not everyone has the chance to experience a wholesome childhood.
People have complicated relationships with food. Some more than others. Even when food is a natural part of our life, too much or too little food can cause problems for us in the long run.
Mental health issues in people usually remain under the surface most of the time. But sometimes, it bursts out in the form of a mental health crisis. What should we do in such a situation?
No family is perfect. But this doesn't mean that things don't need to change. Problems and trauma can hold back families from living to their fullest. Sometimes, individual therapy just won't cut it.
We live in a time and age where having stress is not an abnormality, but in turn, is something you expect to have. In other words, stress has been normalized.